In a few weeks this girl is headed into grade 3. Our little Natalie, that isn't so little anymore. Natalie is 8 years old. I am not sure where the time went. Back into public school she will go where I am sure she will make friends & have the best days. We got a few more family adventures & one holiday left before going back to school. Last night Natalie was my supper date & she reminded me not to be sad about the boys going back into public school. Natalie - " If the boys have a hard time in public school, just remember public school isn't everything ". All night and again this morning I thought about what Natalie said to me. How did I end up with such a mature daughter at eight years old ? The thing is, everything Natalie said is completely correct. Public school isn't everything. There are a variety of ways both our boys can learn. There are also a variety of places where the boys can learn. Avery is our oldest son & Jackson is our youngest son. Both our boys are diagnosed on the autism spectrum. Both boys are going back into public school this fall after being homeschooled for a few years. But the truth is it might be a disaster & if that is the case then at least we can say we tried it. Public school isn't everything & it finally took my eight year old daughter to remind me that our boys will succeed with or without public education. Our learning path is different from everyone else's children and that's okay because we will continue to do what works.

Posted by journeyforavery at 2022-08-11 14:11:30 UTC