Waiting. Waiting for things to get easier. Waiting for the days to not be so chaotic. But for today I am just waiting for a phone call. I am not patient. And well the last 24 hours have been questionable, overwhelming, anxiety filled. I am a tad stressed. For the last 9 days Avery has been completely not himself. He wasn't sleeping. Then he stopped eating. Which followed by throwing up. Then went into aggression. Yesterday morning we thought we were in the clear. We thought this was it. Avery is okay & we better days are ahead. We spoke too soon. Just as we left trying on school shoes which is usually a painful experience. But this year it actually went incredibly well. Avery started to seem off again, his manic behavior started to come back & his emotions were raging. We get home from school shoe shopping and he won't keep his hands out of his mouth. I finally get Avery in the bathroom & show me in his mouth. Which is no easy task at this point when hands are flaying & emotions are high. Damn it ! It was his mouth. The whole time & we finally figured out what the issue has been for days. Non verbal. Our Avery is non verbal which makes these situations hard to navigate hence why we didn't know what was wrong for so long. A quick Google search and comparison of what his mouth looks like told us what we think to be an impacted abscessed tooth. And of course since it is Sunday the office is closed. Emergency line was called. Hospital was called. Pharmacy was called. Which resulted in antibiotics being prescribed late last night. And of course before we got the antibiotics Avery became hyper focused on his mouth which resulted in him pulling out a tooth that was healthy. We're pretty sure it was an adult tooth. But we will keep you posted. Well it is Monday morning & as I sit here patiently waiting to hear from the dentist. I remind myself that I am doing my best given the circumstances. Avery is beyond manic & it has been a rough go for him lately. It is never dull around here. It is never quiet in our home. It is a life that has more waiting then this mama would like most days. Waiting, that's me today. Till we go take Avery to his least favorite place once again.

Posted by journeyforavery at 2022-08-22 13:59:56 UTC