& then this happened ⤵️ Part 1 & 2 Leaving Only The Hard Part of Autism How we became familiar with the autism world was one event. Something that will never leave my mind. It is carved in my memory, stuck forever and will always haunt my dreams and it will give me all the strength to never silence my voice. Let's go back in time where I knew nothing about Autism and my life was in a fragile state of exhaustion. I never slept and when I did I would wake up suddenly. My mind was flooded with ideas, thoughts & plans of how I was going to help my son Avery leave the hard. I had this idea that it was a simple fix and that we had to just leave " the hard " and never go back to it. See Avery got diagnosed with severe nonverbal autism and I felt like our world had ended when he got diagnosed. All my hopes, dreams and future I thought he would have seemed to go grey. I was sitting in the grey and I didn't know who I could reach out to. I needed to vent, I needed to talk to someone who understood our hard and my grey. Fast forward a few weeks to me sharing about Avery's diagnosis online and how we were struggling with sleep, vitamins & therapy choices. I remember an entire day had passed and no one had commented on my post.I shared our hard and no one cared. It became clear to me that we were alone in this and everyone else must not be struggling. It has to be something I am doing wrong then. As quick as I went to my grey place where the tears flowed daily and never stopped a notification popped on my phone, another mom was reaching out to me. Thank goodness someone else who understands. A simple notification that I clicked on turned into a growing friendship. Now I was thrilled because to be completely honest I had no one who could begin to understand what I was feeling or what our struggles were. Slowly I started to leave the grey. Slowly I decided to share more about autism online. Slowly I felt less alone. Let me tell you my guard was completely down and I was on cloud nine that I had gained a friend who knew, who understood what this life looked like. One morning as I am trying to get my kids ready I get a message that I was invited to a mom's tea. Ah! I was so happy, I am being included. Thoughts raced through my head. "What should I wear?" "I don't drink tea." "Do I bring anything?" Really none of my thoughts truly mattered, the only thing that mattered was I was included in the mom's group. I remember like it was yesterday, I wore my best outfit. I flat ironed my hair and wore makeup. I wanted these moms to like me and I was incredibly nervous. I was terrible at making friends and I just wanted it all to go perfect. I was ready to gain some mom friends little did I know as I walked into this beautiful suburban style home at 9 am sharp that my entire world would change along with all my thoughts on getting invited to any function in someone's home . I remember walking in saying hello to the 7 other moms there. After a quick introduction I knew I was the new mom. The living room where we all sat was cold. The living room felt heavy. The living room had this incredible emptiness to it. My guard instantly went up when books started getting passed out with pads of sticky notes and pens. Before anyone spoke I knew I needed to leave immediately. Something was not right about this tea I got invited to. Me getting familiar with the world of autism was an unsettling experience. When I tell this story I say it was "The Dark Tea Party" that made me find my voice I have now in the autism community. As I sat frozen with tea in one hand and my mind started to race into panic mode. I had a book on my lap that I couldn't even flip the pages on. I went numb, my eyes glazed over, I felt violently sick. This wasn't your regular moms get-together tea where we share failed baking recipes and stories of our families. I remember hearing "what do you have to lose". It was directed at me. I was frozen, I felt like I couldn't say words and if I did they were coming out in no rhyme or reason and definitely without control. I remember hearing just before I could answer anything and get up to leave. " Bleach Therapy Can Cure Anything Katie, Don't You Want To Cure Avery ". The day I got included and invited to a mom's tea. The day I thought I was about to make mom friends was the same day I learned about the underground hidden world of bleach and autism. Which is what will haunt me forever. The next day I gained the courage to find my voice and use it to share my story. I wanted Avery to leave the hard but I never wanted that to happen by "Bleach Therapy ". I never got invited to a mom's tea and I see that now. It is crystal clear that I was almost a part of a bleach cult. I was not ready to lose my everything to gain a friendship. Those moms were and that is what separates us. I am sure you are wondering what happened next. What happened after, well I am about to tell you. The story doesn't get better, it doesn't have a happy ending. See I continued on with my life raising my child but something that was new was me being involved in government. I started advocating provincially, federally & also getting law enforcement aware & the medical community. I started talking and meeting with school divisions about " the hidden world of bleach & autism ". Step one in my mind was letting all the proper channels know first what to be aware of. Step two was to make sure families that have children who are newly diagnosed have access to resources & also creditable support. Step three, well technically we are still at Step 2. Because the more I advocated about this, the more I talked about families feeding and bathing kids in bleach to cure autism. It became very clear that the majority of those diagnosed with autism have been exposed to this treatment or are currently being bathed or forced to drink bleach. All of this knowledge infuriated me to my core and also made me feel this huge weight of sadness. What is wrong with the world? I am sure I am not the first person nor will be the last to ask the question. I couldn't imagine. I couldn't imagine feeding my child bleach. I couldn't imagine bathing my child in bleach. In the hopes of curing autism. That is the goal from what I have been told. " Bleach is key & you will save your child's life ". Now let's say that one more time. " Bleach is key & you will save your child's life ". If you're saying I will save my child from autism. Autism is not the enemy. The enemy is the cult of parents forcing this idea as a golden beautiful life ticket that others need. Autism is not to be feared. The fear is knowing a child like mine on the spectrum can't be accepted & loved by their parents & that cures from a church cult are accepted as accredited. Autism is part of your child. If you choose to accept that, great. If you choose to not accept that well can I give one piece of advice: put the bottle of bleach down. The world is watching. People are aware of what is happening. & a little advice from a mama I knew well who was steered in the wrong direction by the cult of mom's who parent with bleach. This mama was told " it is okay that your son is peeing blood, that is the autism leaving his body " . That was one of the last conversations she had with those women because 3 days later she lost custody of her son & she will never get him back. So the question you need to ask yourself is it worth my child dying , losing custody of them forever & last but not least realizing bleach isn't curing my childs autism. Because there is nothing to cure. Your child is beautiful. Your child is loved. Your child will accomplish greatness. & your child needs you to believe in them just the way they are.

Posted by journeyforavery at 2022-09-12 22:06:41 UTC