Put child to bed at 9, put child back to bed at 11pm, put child back to bed at 12am. 2am try and get child to sleep with me, 2:30am ignore child loudly playing on iPad, 3am opens and slams my bedroom door on repeat, 3:30am I give up and get up with him. Doesn’t need a diaper, gave him a little water, but he will NOT go to sleep. How are we as parents supposed to live like this? Night after night, year after year???? He’s almost 11 now and sometimes I don’t even like him, I love him, but when I am so sleep deprived, I don’t like him very much at all. I don’t even feel guilt over saying that anymore! I know I should, but I don’t. I have mostly been a SAHM, but I’m about to go back out into the work field. How am I going to be a good employee with only a couple hours of sleep a night? I’m scared to tell my prospective employer that I have a special needs child because I wouldn’t hire me if I knew. What the hell are we supposed to do? And then I always go to that dark abbess of “this is the rest of my LIFE” and the pity party starts. I hear my younger friends complain about their babies keeping them up and I think “well at least they will sleep in a couple years”. I will never have that luxury! Just a vent session! Thanks for reading and maybe sharing your thoughts. PS. I didn’t proof, sorry.

Posted by Roxannaouber at 2023-02-27 09:35:56 UTC